Join in an Easter study with me!
Hi, friends! Remember that Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World study we did together back in October? Let’s do another one! This time, we’re focusing on the timely subject of Easter. A few things to know:1. This devotional/study is on the YouVersion Bible app. You’ll need to download the app to access the study.2. Use this link to join the specific study, Good Morning Easter Study3. Starting on Monday, March 29, read the devotional message and Bible verses for the day, then head over to my Instagram to talk about it or leave a comment on my blog post that day4. Come back everyday until Sunday, April 4, the day of Easter, to do it again! Can’t…
2021 Words and Verses of the Year
Choosing a word of the year has become a very popular trend, one that I have done off and on since 2015. This year, I thought it would be even more impactful to not only choose a word of the year, but to also select a Bible verse that goes hand in hand with my word. Over on Instagram, I asked people to submit their words of the year so we could pair a Bible verse to give it more purpose and meaning. Is your word of the year on the list? Overcome Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside…
A prayer for the Olive Grove in 2021
A new year brings new opportunities, new growth and fresh renewal. What better way to welcome 2021 than with a prayer! Join me in prayer that the Lord uses the Olive Grove to bless the upcoming year and everyone it touches. Lord, I pray my words become more like yours. My heart becomes more like yours. My life becomes more like yours. This page is all for you. The Olive Grove is all for you. My life is all for you. You see my heart, desires, and true intentions, and I pray that you transform them to be a mirror that only reflects your goodness. I ask that you bless…
Seven verses that remind us we are not alone
Sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up in our own toxic thoughts. We feel guilt of past sins and forget we have a Savior who has forgiven us. We feel like we are unloveable but forget Christ has already paid our debt with the greatest action of love the world has ever known. We feel lonely in isolating situations and forget the One who is always with us. We have someone who is walking by our side, always ready to comfort, protect and fight for us, friends! We are not alone! Check out these verses the next time you find yourself in a lonely place: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.…