Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World: Day 1
Thanks so much for joining our devotional this week! We’re doing the devotional called Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World in the free Youversion Bible app. If you haven’t read that yet, I highly recommend checking it out so you can follow along for the week!
Kicking off our week is a devo called “How are you – really?” So many times when we’re asked how we’re doing, 99% of the time, we say, “Fine.” No further comment. I would be lying if I said I’ve been fine the last nine months. It’s been a tough year. Not just for me, but literally the entire world.
I know we’ve all been really tossed around and endured major life trials, not just going through COVID, but also anything happening we’re battling behind the scenes like family issues, parenting, etc.
Obviously, struggling through life is a guarantee. But our game changer is Christ. The devo says, “When our roots run deep in God’s goodness and steadfast love, nothing can shake us or break us forever. His goodness and unfailing love hold us together when life is falling apart. When we’re not okay, we remember that our attitudes of praise are dependent not on the ease of our circumstances but on the fact that God is good—period.”
Life is going to be hard no matter what. But when we cling to Jesus and let go of the world, Jesus takes on that pain and strife and embraces us with his grace and love. He’s the one who will make this all worth it.
Our joy is not dependent on our circumstances, our faith is not dependent on our circumstances, our love is not dependent on our circumstances, but on who He is. His plans are so much better than ours. His path is so much better than ours. And on his path is immeasurable joy despite the baggage we’re tugging behind us. Drop the baggage. Drop your insecurity. Drop your fear. Drop your doubt.
The devotional says, “Living a well-watered life doesn’t mean always being okay. It does mean you’re always growing more attached to Jesus and less attached to this world. Even in the daily, unseen moments, the Gardener is tending your soul and making you whole.”
Thanks so much for joining the first devo of the week! I’m so excited you joined me, and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!
Check out my Instagram to watch the video discussing today’s devo!

Leona Green
I’ve been super busy this week and watched all of your devos out of order…*sigh* Being in almost constant chaos with one unbelievable family crisis after another, plus work, and local Covid spikes, has been taking a toll on me emotionally and spiritually. To say your timing in starting all this is devine is an understatement. I really needed something uplifting to look forward to this week. Please keep creating content.
Leona, it’s so good hearing from you! And I am touched you joined the devo. Many prayers to you during a tough time.