Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World – Day 2
Hello! Today is day two of our week-long devo together! I’m so glad you’re here! Just to recap, we’re going through the Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World in the free Youversion Bible app.
Today’s devo is called What is your identity rooted in? And it starts by saying that our sense of identity has roots, and our identity is rooted in what we believe about God and ourselves. When these beliefs aren’t rooted in the truth, chaos ensues.
Sometimes we feel our identity is based on past experiences, sins we feel trapped by, failures, mistakes. This is so true. Sometimes I replay really terrible decisions I’ve made over and over in my mind, and I feel ashamed and guilty. And if I think about it long enough, I believe the lie that I am unworthy of God’s grace and love.
When we do this, our core beliefs about ourselves are the exact opposite of what God truly believes of us and is the exact opposite of who he created us to be. The devo calls these rotten roots, or lie. I love what they do in this section of the devo; they call out several rotten roots, or sour beliefs we might have of ourselves, and then identifies a gospel root, or the truth in stark contrast of the lie we believe about ourselves. I love they did this, this is something similar I’ve heard in counseling: identify the lie, replace with the truth.
Some examples they list are, “Rotten root: What others think of you is more important than what God thinks of you. Gospel root: When God sees you, he sees Christ, not your past failures or mistakes. The only audience to live for is an audience of one.” “Rotten root: True beauty is determined by your weight, skin color, and size.” This is a big lie that traps me almost everyday, and I have to repeat and meditate on this next gospel root. “Gospel root: Your worth is determined by your Savior, who bore the weight of the world on his shoulders to set you free.”
These rotten roots or lies that can take us captive, Satan uses to keep us trapped, and away from the truth of the gospel. “He knows his lies can’t stand against the truth of God’s word.”
The devo closes with this: “What we believe about who God is and who we are in him affects the way we live and think, and these beliefs are buried in the root systems of our souls. If we have good roots, our lives will produce the good fruit of the spirit. These roots can only be established and strengthened when they’re watered by the truth of scripture and cleansed from the lies of this world.”
What are you watering your soul with, friends? Is it the water and truth of the Gospel? Or the lies of the one who want to keep you from the Savior? Are your roots weak and struggling to grow in the Lord? Or are they deep and strong in the good news of Christ?
Thanks so much for joining us on Devo Day 2! If you haven’t added the Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World in the Youversion Bible app, check out my Bible study intro post for more information. Then head over to my Instagram to watch my video commentary! See you tomorrow!