Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World – Day 4
It’s day four of our devo, Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World! Thanks so much for following along, and if you’re joining us for the first time, welcome!
Today we’re talking about quiet time! We must, must, must be pursuing the word of God if we want to develop a deeper relationship with the Lord and a deeper understanding of his truth. I really like this phrase and challenge that Well-Watered Women created, Word before World. This challenge is for those of us who struggle to give Jesus the first part of our day. Before we pick up our phones, before we dedicate our day to anything else, we dedicate our day to the Lord. Really difficult, right? I would be lying if I said a prayer first thing in the morning instead of scrolling on social media or checking emails. I am so bad at laying in bed and catching up on Instagram…
Today’s devo challenges us to break that habit! I know I can’t be the only one doing this, let’s hold each other accountable! So I know some people call that dedication to studying the Bible or prayer time their quiet time, which is totally fine! But sometimes quiet is the last thing that time can be! It can be loud, it can be messy, it can be interrupted by toddlers, babies, doorbells, barking dogs, husbands asking where their phones or keys might be. It can be chaotic. I know you know what I’m talking about.
But that’s okay! The time we dedicate to God can be in the middle of chaos, peace, heartbreak, depression, elated joy, any emotion, any circumstance. What matters is that the pursuit is actually happening, not what’s happening surrounding that pursuit. Pursue that knowledge, pursue that relationship, pursue that peace, love, understanding, pursue Jesus every single day, no matter the time, no matter the place! That is what’s important, friends.
The devo closes with this, “Putting the Word before the world isn’t meant to be something you check off in the morning; instead it’s a way of life. Resolve to water your soul with the Word each day. Those ancient words are constantly changing us, so let’s come with an open heart.”
Come to the word with an open heart today, the rest of the week and anytime we’re studying the Word of God, sister.
Are you putting the word before world or world before word? What changes do you need to make to be sure you’re putting word before world?
We’ll see you tomorrow!

My day goes so much better when I begin it with talking to the Lord. It reminds me that He is in charge matter what is happening. Once I give issues to the Lord, I know what comes will be for the highest good of all as I have asked for that. Acceptance is the other part of this. To let go and let God. It’s a work in progress as I’m a work in progress. My God is not don3 with me yet!
Hi Sally! Yes, let go and let God! This one is hard for me to actually do, but like you also said, it’s a work in progress as I am a work in progress!