Good Morning Easter Devotional Day 7 – Restoration of hope eternal
Hello everyone! Good afternoon! It’s Easter! He is risen! We have something big to celebrate today, and I’m ecstatic we get to celebrate it together, even though we might be many miles apart right now. Let’s talk about resurrection Sunday! So when Mary and the other women arrived at the tomb, followed by Peter, Jesus’ body was gone. Mary thought that someone had removed the body without telling Jesus’ friends or family. Remember that before they even arrived at the tomb, they were already feeling very hopeless. Their savior had died several days beforehand, and I’m sure they were still reeling from the loss. To add that his body had…
Good Morning Easter Devotional Day 6 – Hope in the waiting
Happy Saturday, friends! We made it to the weekend! I’m so thankful! Thanks for joining us on day six of the Good Morning Easter Devotional! Let’s get started! I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “it’s always darkest before the dawn.” I’ve heard that quote everywhere, movies, songs, books, etc. I think this saying would be applied during holy week, especially the day after the crucifixion and the day before Jesus comes alive again. Saturday would have been the darkest day for the disciples and followers of Christ. It seemed all hope was lost. We know now what is to come tomorrow, but the disciples did not have this insight on…
Good Morning Easter Devotional Day 5 – The hope of full restoration
Good morning! It’s day 5 of the Good morning easter devotional! Thanks for joining us! I’m so excited you’re here! Happy Good Friday! Today we remember what makes Good Friday good. And it’s Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. It sounds really weird to celebrate someone’s death, but today is not where the story ends, thank goodness. Jesus’s death was not defeat, this was a victory. Good Friday is filled with Good News. The devotional says, “On the cross, Jesus ended the reign of sin and death in the world—the “old order of things has passed away.” He took the punishment we deserved for our rebellion against God. Now, if we…
Good Morning Easter Devotional Day 4 – Restored into connection
Good morning! Welcome to day 4! If this is your first time joining us, don’t worry, you can still catch up! For those of you who have followed along, welcome back! I hope you’re enjoying this study like I am! So diving right in! On this day in holy week, Thursday commemorates the Last Supper – a moment to sit, connect and break bread together. As we reflect on the uncommon group of disciples who gathered with Jesus in his final days, we are reminded of his extravagant love: that he died so that we could live. The devo then mentions hospitality. The Greek word for hospitality is philoxenos which…