Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World – Day 7
Wow, it’s day seven, the last day of our week-long devotional together! I’m so happy you joined me this week, honestly very touched you spent your Bible study with me this week. Let me know if you want to do this again and what you want to study! Let’s brainstorm together! Yesterday we talked about growth, but what does it look like when that growth seems small or insignificant? God is always pruning, tending, weeding and watering our souls and our lives to produce a harvest for his glory. It says, “There’s meaning in the in-between moments, and there’s mission in the ever-changing growth of our souls. Not a moment…
Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World – Day 6
Day six of Becoming a Well-Watered Woman (or man!) in a Parched World is here! Just to recap in case this is the first of this series I’ve been doing, this week-long study by Well-Watered Women is in the free Youversion Bible app, I’ve been discussing each day on my Instagram as well as here on my blog. Today we’re talking about progress and growth, what it is, what it looks like and where we should be searching for our own personal progress and growth. Growth can be a really painful process. It’s hard work, it’s difficult work that requires us to really dig deep if we want to grow.…
Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World – Day 5
Welcome back! It’s day five of Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World, and we’re getting close to the end of the week! If you’ve been following along, I’m so touched you’re here! Diving right into this devo, the title is Moving Beyond Burnout. The first four words of the devo are, “Are you experiencing burnout?” Yes, girl, yes I am. Not necessarily about ministry. Ministry has always been on my heart and the heart of my husband, but our current life situation is exhausting and discouraging, and we’re really feeling the burnout. It’s hard to stay motivated in situations like this; I’m sure you know what I’m talking…
Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World – Day 4
It’s day four of our devo, Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World! Thanks so much for following along, and if you’re joining us for the first time, welcome! Today we’re talking about quiet time! We must, must, must be pursuing the word of God if we want to develop a deeper relationship with the Lord and a deeper understanding of his truth. I really like this phrase and challenge that Well-Watered Women created, Word before World. This challenge is for those of us who struggle to give Jesus the first part of our day. Before we pick up our phones, before we dedicate our day to anything else,…