Find Your Brave Voice
For several years, a Little Voice in the back of my head has been softly telling me that I should start a blog. I have wanted to create one since college and attempted this feat many times but have never committed. So I’ve held this close to my chest for several years.
Whenever the Little Voice whispers loud enough to inspire me to write something in my journal or start carving out my own corner of the internet, a Louder Voice would respond to the Little Voice.
“You won’t make a difference.”
“You can’t make a difference.”
“You are not qualified to do anything like this.”
And the Louder Voice won every time. The Little Voice would shrink further into the back of my head, quietly waiting until the coast was clear to come back out again.
This happened for years. An idea would pop into my head, I would pick it up and run with it until the Louder Voice realized what was happening and quickly shut it down. When it would inevitably remind me of the risk, the Louder Voice fed on my fear of judgment and failure.
That poor Little Voice has experienced some bullying over the years.
A year ago two of my best friends asked me, “Hey, what do you think of blogging?”
I told them about my idea I’ve clung to for over five years. They encouraged me to go for it, but, of course, that Louder Voice was in my ear, “Who are you to start that?” while the Little Voice hung its head.
A few days later in counseling, my sweet therapist asked me, “Have you ever thought about starting a blog?”
The Little Voice perked up and peered out from its hiding place.
“I think this could be therapeutic for you, and there are people who are dealing with the same things you are. Who knows? You might help someone along the way, too.”
At this point, the Little Voice was sitting on the edge of its seat, begging me to listen to this woman and my two friends.
I finally did. In the process, the Little Voice had to put that Louder Voice in its place several times. And the stronger the Little Voice became, the more it sounded like a brave voice. The weaker the Louder Voice became, the more I realized it was really fear in disguise. I know fear well, friend.
Over the years, fear has convinced me to sit out, get out, run and hide. I’ve made too many decisions based on fear in my life, and it’s time I make decisions based on my brave voice.
But no matter what happens in this life, fear will always be there. And so will bravery.
Fear happens and has no place here.
Fear happens and can be overcome.
Fear happens, and what matters is how you respond to it.
Fear happens, and here I am, embracing it with God’s spirit of power and love and self-control, not of fear.
Embrace fear and find that brave voice, friend.

Love the progression of you describing your “little voice” growing & gaining power and eventually sounding like a brave one. Thank you for writing this! Can’t wait to read more on the Olive Grove Blog 🤩
Beth Brannon
This is beautiful, as are you!!!! I’m proud, proud, proud of you for taking this step! Keep listening to that “Little Voice” because it is powered by the BIGGEST of Voices! Love you so much! Keep this up! Your pictures and the format are BEAUTIFUL, by the way!!! Love everything about this!
Jen Sexton
You are so incredibly inspiring and awesome to me! Every word could have been my own thoughts and has quite literally been words i have written from time to time. Wow! I will pray for your continuing success in writing and ask you to pray for me to one day be able to start my own journey.
Sherry Grandfield
I love the decor and your inspiring words
I like how you chose faith and not fear….this blog was very inspirational…you can do this…this is only the beginning!!! I applaud you!!… I too have just started my blog. I’m still tweaking it….but it is up!!! Congratulations!!!
It was pleasure reading your posting! It is very inspirational thank you for sharing.
Anita Bucciarelli
Only God could have known that I needed to read 2 Timothy today! Thank you, Hannah, for submitting to the call of that little voice. Thank you for starting Olive Grove blog and for this insightful post. May your faith, your bravery in Christ grow by leaps and bounds!
Hannah, continue to push down the louder voice. This article is great. I can definitely relate to the little and louder voices. Your voice is needed in the world for such a time as this. Please continue to press forward. Find your brave voice will touch the souls of those who read it to provoke them to push forward to be their best self. This is one of the best articles I had read and I read a lot. I’m rooting for you. I’m excited to read more.
Rereading this again today after hearing some exciting but scary news. I’m working on finding my brave voice, embracing fear, and believing in myself and all the qualities God blessed me with! Thank you for these words!
Cyntasha Atkins
That was beautiful. Definitely needed that.