Good Morning Easter Devotional Day 6 – Hope in the waiting
Happy Saturday, friends! We made it to the weekend! I’m so thankful! Thanks for joining us on day six of the Good Morning Easter Devotional!
Let’s get started! I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “it’s always darkest before the dawn.” I’ve heard that quote everywhere, movies, songs, books, etc. I think this saying would be applied during holy week, especially the day after the crucifixion and the day before Jesus comes alive again. Saturday would have been the darkest day for the disciples and followers of Christ. It seemed all hope was lost. We know now what is to come tomorrow, but the disciples did not have this insight on Saturday.
I know that we have felt this same feeling, this feeling of hopelessness. We can’t see God at work, we feel our prayers are in vain, we’re waiting and waiting and waiting for something, anything, for so long we start to lose faith. Maybe you’re searching for a job and can’t seem to land even an interview. Maybe you’re waiting to hear back about a diagnosis. Maybe you’re trying and trying to have a child, but nothing is working. Maybe you’re in the middle of a situation that seems so dark you’re not sure if there’s a way out. I get it sister; I’ve been there too, and I’m there right now.
The devo says, “In these dark times, as we look to the cross, we are reminded that we can still have hope because God is faithful. When the deck seems stacked against us, we can be tempted to give up. But hope urges us to go on. The cross reminds us of God’s goodness and faithfulness. We can keep bringing the good news, proclaim peace and salvation, and declare that God reigns in every season of life because God is faithful. So even in the midst of the darkest night, we can have hope that dawn is on the way.
There is hope even in the waiting.
What are some situations you have been waiting on God for? Comment how you might renew your hope in Him today?
Thanks for joining friends! Tomorrow is our very last day of this study! I hope you join us on Easter!