Join in an Easter study with me!
Hi, friends!
Remember that Becoming a Well-Watered Woman in a Parched World study we did together back in October? Let’s do another one! This time, we’re focusing on the timely subject of Easter.
A few things to know:
1. This devotional/study is on the YouVersion Bible app. You’ll need to download the app to access the study.
2. Use this link to join the specific study, Good Morning Easter Study
3. Starting on Monday, March 29, read the devotional message and Bible verses for the day, then head over to my Instagram to talk about it or leave a comment on my blog post that day
4. Come back everyday until Sunday, April 4, the day of Easter, to do it again!
Can’t wait to hang out with you next week, friends! Shoot me an Instagram DM or email to let me know if you’re joining or if you have questions!

Michelle John
Thank you