Welcome to the Olive Grove

Hi, I’m Hannah Hackworth! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I’m glad you’re here at the Olive Grove.
On a hill in Tuscany, in a small town outside of Florence, Italy, there stands a 16th century villa surrounded by an olive grove. I stayed in this villa and explored Italy and this olive grove for a semester in college, and my perspective grew the more I experienced this part of the world.
A year ago, my counselor taught me to go to a place where I feel the most at peace as I experience anxiety and stress. I think of this olive grove every time. In the beginning, I ran to this place to escape pressure, restlessness, doubt and overwhelming burdens, but as time passed, I transformed the Olive Grove into something more.
I created a sanctuary where I visualize God and I meeting face to face. At first, we sat under the trees and talked about the stress I was running from. I cried, and he held me. The more I visit, the more we are simply talking about the day, catching up like the oldest of friends or quietly basking in the warm sunshine as we listen to the birds.
This is my place of comfort, and I pray you find a safe place here, too. My goal is to create a community, a brave space where all have a seat at this table. I hope you join me.
Welcome to the Olive Grove. There’s room for you here.