• Fear,  God's Plan

    What I Wish I Knew As a College Student

    Ever feel like you’re stuck at a fork in the road and have no idea which way God is calling you to go? And that fork in the road you’re stuck in has about a million different paths to take?  As you’re looking at all of your options, I know you’re facing the feeling of increasing pressure and overwhelming sense of fear of making the wrong choice and disappointing God. “Where should I go to college?” “What should I major in?” “Should I add a specialty?” “Which extracurriculars should I join and how many should I join?” “Once I graduate, where should I apply for a job?” “Should I move…

  • Bravery,  Fear

    Find Your Brave Voice

    For several years, a Little Voice in the back of my head has been softly telling me that I should start a blog. I have wanted to create one since college and attempted this feat many times but have never committed. So I’ve held this close to my chest for several years.   Whenever the Little Voice whispers loud enough to inspire me to write something in my journal or start carving out my own corner of the internet, a Louder Voice would respond to the Little Voice. “Don’t.”  “You won’t make a difference.”  “You can’t make a difference.” “You are not qualified to do anything like this.” And the Louder…

  • Faith,  Joy

    Fullness of Joy

    I think we’re all in agreement that this is a very trying time.  The state of the world has caused a lot of stress, no matter what private battles we are currently fighting behind our closed doors. To add the chaos of COVID-19 on top of anything else we’re trying to juggle feels impossible. There are so many emotions to be processed during this time: sadness, grief, loneliness, anxiety, anger. And you know what? That is perfectly fine and normal. You are not sitting in those feelings alone.  It’s hard to find joy right now. Which is also perfectly fine and normal. Even before COVID-19 disrupted our daily routine, joy…